Meet the Founder

Nori Norbhu is a Darjeeling born digital illustrator, small shop owner and compulsive tea drinker

Workshop FAQs

Where do the workshops take place? 

Our workshops take place at our studio and creative workspace, thoughtfully designed to provide a cozy and colorful environment. You'll find spacious working tables, abundant natural light, and a welcoming ambiance tailored to your needs. We're located at  Noriiart Studios in Koramangala, Bangalore. If you encounter any difficulties locating us or have inquiries regarding accessibility, don't hesitate to reach out to us at; we're here to assist you!

Why is this workshop different?

The workshops in the studio are designed for a small group of participants, promoting personalized attention and meaningful conversations.We deliberately keep the group size small to create an atmosphere of warmth and collaboration. This means you'll receive individualized guidance from our expert instructors, allowing you to explore your creativity in a relaxed, unhurried setting. Additionally, the intimate group setting fosters connections with fellow participants, sparking meaningful conversations that enhance your overall artistic experience.

What do I need to bring to the workshop?

Wearing attire you're comfortable getting a little messy in is recommended, so feel free to show up as your fabulous self! Should there be any specific items to bring for the workshop, we'll notify you via email.

Is it possible for me to arrange a private workshop?

We are happy to arrange private workshops tailored to your preferred date and time, requiring a minimum of 6 participants. Explore further details about our exclusive workshops here. Reach out via email, and we'll gladly explore the possibilities!

Can I use a voucher for the workshop?

Of course! You can use the voucher gift code in the store to book online, or if your voucher was purchased in store, you can send us an email and we can organise for it to be used towards your workshop.

What should I do if I am unable to attend my scheduled workshop?

If you can't make it to the workshop, please let us know as soon as possible. The best way would be to find a friend to replace your spot and email us their contact details. We have a more detailed Q&A for our workshop cancellation policy here.

A lil' more about us

Artist-led brand

All the artwork featured on our products are hand illustrated by Nori Norbhu

Produced in the studio

Most of our products are produced in house by a small but loving team

Eco- friendly packaging

We use 100% recyclable materials whenever we can. 80% of our inventory is plastic free. It is used only in case no alternative was found.
